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Chiang Mai To Laos Transport Package

  • Many visitors will choose Chiang Mai as a starting point for trips to Laos and Indochina. Chiang Kong, Thailand's border town, is only a four-hour bus trip away. It's a straightforward immigration process from here, which entails getting stamped out of Thailand, crossing the Mekong, and then passing through Lao immigration formalities at Huay Xai, Laos. Fast and slow boats go up and down the Mekong from Huay Xai to Luang Prabang. Travel Hub can provide a variety of transportation options to get you from Chiang Mai to Luang Prabang, including overland bus services to Luang Namtha, Vientiane, and Vang Vieng.

See also:
 Chiang Mai minibus hire

Duration: 3 Day 2 Night
Type: Join in (Transport only)
Highlights: A budget transportation package from Chiang Mai to Luang Prabang that allows you to experience Laotian Mekong riverside life.
Starts in: Chiang Mai
Finishes in: Luang Prabang - Laos
Price: 2,400 Baht 
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Duration: 2 Day 1 Night
Type: Join in (Monday and Friday)
Highlights: Enjoy a two-day cruise along the Mekong River from Chiang Kong in Thailand to Luang Prabang, Laos.
Starts in: Chiang Kong - Thailand
Finishes in: Luang Prabang - Laos
Price: 8,500 Baht 
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